Finding a new, dear friend in adult life is a sustaining joy in times like these. Your piece brought this poem to mind. It was written for a desperate young person but I think it applies.
Sue Ann, and yet your beautiful book of poems (thank you again for sending it to me) yiels other kinds of memories and dreams, small details to focus your inner eye on, to wheel your whole self back.
Wait is the brake I apply when my bike is hurtling downhill, wheels wobbling and a single stone might fling me into uncertainty. Waiting is the vacant verb I cling to—waiting for the past to catch me or the future to arrive In Buddhist practice we say there is no waiting, only time for meditation. Awareness of life in this moment. No waiting necessary. I’m not good at it. So please, wait, there might be more.
Finding a new, dear friend in adult life is a sustaining joy in times like these. Your piece brought this poem to mind. It was written for a desperate young person but I think it applies.
Rona, what a stunning poem. My gosh. Thank you for sharing it. And yes — to new, dear friends.
"Be there to hear it, it will be the only time, . . ." Thanks for this poem, Rona.
« Wheel-wobbling back from the cliff » «abundancy of friendship » yes !
Yes, this: the cliff edge of anxiety. I feel it in my body. I see it in my dreams.
Sue Ann, and yet your beautiful book of poems (thank you again for sending it to me) yiels other kinds of memories and dreams, small details to focus your inner eye on, to wheel your whole self back.
I am calling on the spirit of my ancestors here for sure. Thank you for the gentle reminder. 🧡
She waited for love,
dressed the salad and herself.
Hesitant, hopeful.
beautiful haiku
Wait is the brake I apply when my bike is hurtling downhill, wheels wobbling and a single stone might fling me into uncertainty. Waiting is the vacant verb I cling to—waiting for the past to catch me or the future to arrive In Buddhist practice we say there is no waiting, only time for meditation. Awareness of life in this moment. No waiting necessary. I’m not good at it. So please, wait, there might be more.
There will, my friend, be more.
Yes! Wonderfully, miraculously true! There IS us, in the abundancy of friendship. Thank you so much for this perspective.
on pins and needles